Product Description

Our favorite drop shot leader line is the Gamma touch. Paired with the 15lb Gamma Torque you get all the strength and sensitivity to handle the Great Lakes Bass! Other lines kink easy and have memory which makes it tough to get the perfect drop shot presentation. We have tested and proved this is the best line on the market today! Trust me when I tell you we are not alone. Start looking at all the big names using Gamma and you will ask yourself what took you so long to give it a try! I know because I have been hearing about it for the last few years myself. After meeting Dale at this years Icast I was convinced that he is the Professor of fishing line. Once again we want to bring you the products we feel are the best quality along with affordability. The line is pricey then some others until you start adding up all the waste when using the competitors brand!

7# Gamma Touch – 100% Super Fluorocarbon Line

Diameter = 0.0085″ (0.22 mm)                Actual test strength =  8.2lb (3.7 kg)
