Product Description



Everything you need to tube fish on the Great Lakes!

We supply you the most productive Tubes in 7 different colors all dialed into the great lakes! The most popular weight used on Erie. Includes Heads made with Gamakatsu hooks in 60 degree and 90 degree offset, both flat eye and straight eye. We will talk more about  hook and weight sizes to match the days conditions and of course bait selection on the instruction sheet you receive in the neatly organized Plane 3600 storage box. We have worked hard to figure out the presentations and colors that work consistently across Lake Erie and this is your chance to save tons of time and money and get right to the catching!


This is the go to tube jig for Lake Erie Smallmouth Bass! When they are not hitting the drop shot bait Don’t forget about the fail proof Bait on the Lake. I have personally watched my wife and kids boat 4lber after 4lber when I was trying to get the drop shot bite going! Finally, a tube every tube angler has dreamed of—-The Dream Tube. ISG teamed up with Great Lakes experts Joe Balog, 2001 Everstart National Champion, Steve Clapper, won multiple Great Lakes championships and David Hayward, who also has won multiple Great Lakes’ championships. The objective = design the ultimate tube. We have accomplished our mission with the Dream Tube. The Dream Tube is a true 4 in. tube, with a 2 in. body and a hand cut 2 in. skirt. The Dream Tube is “QUAD-DIPPED”, which gives it twice the wall thickness of any premium tube on the market today. This extra thickness gives the tube more buoyancy, more durability and allows us to use TWICE the salt and garlic. Due to it’s increased buoyancy, the skirt of the Dream Tube “swims”—like real prey.
These Dream Tubes are being introduced in 27 Great Lakes Series colors. 12 colors have been picked by Balog, Clapper and Hayward to be the best Smallmouth Bass producers on the Great Lakes and similar waters—EVER!!

Quad-dipped = larger profile
Quad-dipped = very soft
Quad-dipped = very durable
Quad-dipped = slow, realistic fall
Supper salty = bass love salt
Tip – Try Carolina or Texas rigged with a 4/0 or 5/0 extra wide gap or megabite hook.